5-minute Friday: Holding Space

Life is filled with mini-projects… You sometimes have to go back to the drawing board. That’s probably how I feel about this season of life. After a few trial & errors, I seem to still not be able to quite get the drift of the wind of success. What I realise, being in late-30s, I’ve […]

5-minute Friday: Never-ready

Curveballs, I seem never ready for them. Perhaps in the area of my happily-ever-after, at least, I am still unable to fully trust why Abba closes certain doors, when I ask Him to be clear. Just a week ago, another curveball, which was slammed onto me, totally unexpected. Sounds familiar, feels totally similar to a […]

Thirstday #63: Curveball, Again

Kinda felt sometimes like ladies who share prematurely about their pregnancies, and later suffer miscarriages during the 1st trimester. For sure this is an unfair comparison, in terms of emotional pain of losing a child, but somehow, it feels that way currently. Life aborted somewhat. Another curveball, out of nowhere, which I cannot make sense […]

Thirstday #62: Love 301

Learning to love is a lifelong pursuit. Just when you reckon you’ve sorta, somewhat had an aha! moment, love takes you right back to a portion of what you’ve somewhat been through before, but not quite there yet. Thought I’ve learnt quite a fair bit, from various wise experienced advisors, and also my own rock-filled […]

5-minute Friday: Whisper

A soft, nearly inaudible set of words floating around in my heart lately. It’s there, it’s nearly undetectable, nearly indistinguishable from the other noises, but it’s there. Words that promises strength, words that promises love, words that were unrecognisable when the rest of the voices & noises drowned this soft, gentle, though firm & insistent […]